Friday, February 29, 2008

If Today Will Bring The Dawn Of My Departure

If today will bring the dawn of my departure, upon my last breath I will breathe the words “I Know You” and you will be here with me and I will not be afraid because now I know what I have always wanted to know. And this knowledge did not come from any experience we shared but has always been imprinted upon my soul, it has always been and it will go with me and reside within me always. We will never part, ours will never die, no story will ever recreate what we shared, no description will describe the fallacy of our deception, and no person will place us amongst the great legends of our time. We will be nameless in history but more momentous because of this secrecy, never being diluted by the duplicity of words or the exaggerations of poets. Ours will be kept chaste by this simple act of discretion, by our own apparent indifference, by our ability to escape needing the security of an affair grounded in reality.


Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

You have the heart of a poet.