Friday, February 29, 2008

We Need Not Speak

You speak to me without even knowing. I hear you even when your lips have not moved; I can feel you even when the distance is greater than two people should have to bear. Nothing you do, escapes me when you are at arms length, you sing to me, with each movement, with each breath; taking up a glass of water to drink, fumbling in your pocket for keys, rubbing your eyes when you are weary, scratching yourself when you have an itch and even when you have not moved at all, nonchalantly staring into space, you still speak, you still sing. Your eyes could burn deep pockets into my being they are so invasive, so commanding, that when they are open, I dear not speak for fear I may interrupt all that they must say. You hold the world’s truth in all things that you do. You are palpably unaware but I notice these things I appreciate what you have shown. And I cannot pretend that I understand all that you have said, all that is left to be known, I merely see and hear, without the ability to fully grasp the concept, to fully understand the depth that is you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so deep and expressive.